Event Tools

Take advantage of the FREE OPTIONAL TOOLS to take your event to the next level:

Take advantage of the FREE OPTIONAL TOOLS to take your event to the next level:

Select the tools that will engage and inform players and fans, while keeping your competitions running on time.

Production Tools

On-Stage & TV Broadcast Scoreboards

Player Registration

The following resources can be displayed on TVs, Monitors, Tablets or Projection Screens.

Scrolling Match/Board Assignment Display

Use this feature to effortlessly display every match assignment. The dual screen mode lists every player alphabetically and by board number, no smart phone required!

The next time a player asks if “their match” has been called, simply point to the screen and eliminate these control desk inquiries.

We MAY want to hold off on this, until we confirm our new easter egg Strategy. If we are going forward with that, it would make seven to create a simple recording icon or instruction that summaries access for all tools. AND YES, I am inferring that the scroller feature should be on every easter egg, not just the board call page. Unsure of how we will activate/access it, but we will work through that.

Knockout Bracket Display

COMING SOON:  Now the traditional view of knockout bracket can be displayed on any device, without the endless scrolling required of a touch screen! DartConnect’s display will cycle through each bracket section, automatically posting results. Ideal for brackets using Board Groups.

Live Scoreboard Display

With DartConnect’s live scoreboards, everyone can follow the action in realtime!

  • Great for streaming matches, special matches and staged finals
  • Designate special boards to host key matches, and then locate displays where everyone can view.
  • Connect any internet capable device to the monitors, TVs or projection screen of your choice.
  • Show multiple matches on the same device simultaneously, using a standard PC browser

Board Calls

Keep your events running on time.

Match Calling Tool

Transform the match caller into the Master of Ceremonies!

Now the Control Desk can effortlessly call out every board assignment in real time while monitoring the status of every match. Both staff and players can request assistance from the playing floor, with notifications appearing in the Match Calling Tool. The power of the microphone has been expanded appreciably!

Key Features:

  • Accurately track first, second and final board calls
  • Automatically highlights which players have NOT reported for their match
  • Immediately respond to players and staff requesting assistance
  • Make public service announcements regarding registration, draw and bracket updates

Board Management Tool

This tool is ideal for events that utilize Floor Officials who manage a specific group of boards, but it can be used by anyone. Designed specifically for tablets, this tool empowers staff to monitor dart lanes and notify the control desk of issues from anywhere in the venue. No more running from room to room to determine why matches are delayed!

Key Features:

  • Real time status for any range of  boards
  • Notify the bracket operator and match caller of common delay issues
  • Documentation of player and scorekeeper match assignment notifications
  • Request player forfeits, to advance to the next match

Scorekeeper Request Tool

Coming Soon!

Production Tools

Give your fans what they deserve!

Audience Scoreboards

Ensure that playing on stage is a special experience for everyone!  Utilize DartConnects various audience scoreboard options to enable everyone to keep track of the match and cheer the big shots.

TV Scoreboard Widget

Turn your livestream into a big league broadcast!  DartConnect’s “TV Scoreboard” adds a professional and fan-friendly feature to your production.

Key Features:

  • Professional broadcast-quality design
  • Displays event name, match format, darts thrown, 3DA, and more
  • Dynamic animation keeps viewers engaged

How to access the TV Scoreboard Widget

  1. Find the tournament’s channel on DCTV
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the black Digital Steel logo
  3. Click the “TV Scoreboad” button to open the available match list
  4. Select any live match to open a new tab with the scoreboard display
  5. Insert the scoreboard into your broadcast using your video production software

Pro Tips!

  • If using the same tablet for all streamed matches, the scoreboard will automatically update to the new match
  • Supports singles, pairs, triples and quads, but names will be truncated for large teams
  • Also available for league matches

3DA Showcard

Show a player’s 3-Dart Average when taking winner photos!

How to access the showcard:

  • Open the event’s performance leaderboard on DCTV
  • Click any player’s average in the 3DA column to open the showcard
  • Use on Tablets for players to pose with